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Modernization and Self Sufficiency

Individual's quest for happiness, inner and outer freedom is the most precious endeavor.  It follows then that society's ideal of governance and polity should promote this endeavor of the individuals. The royal government of Bhutan and his majesty the king continues to guide towards the fulfillment of cultural and political changes that drive our country to the future. Bhutan begin its developmental activities since 1961 and by the end of 1990's, king devolved full powers to its people.  Since then Bhutan entered an new era of governance and in 2008 we successfully entered democratic constitutional monarch. It has been two terms with different government yet same Bhutanese that rules our government. A modernization is taking huge thug on to the lives of people in our country. Quest for urban development and expansion of towns ( thromdeys and yenglag thromdeys ) taking quick run along the path of development. It was decided in the parliament and we are all set to develop

Thimphu City is loosing its Charm

Thimphu is Bhutan’s capital and is like any other emergent concrete mushrooms in the world, at its crucial stage, at the brisk of bursting its cancerous cells. The capital of this prosperous and happy  nation, its pulse is rising and running, racing and booming with the demands of modern life. For the first timers to this town, traffic delay has become a part of driving along this busy street and zebra crossings are clogged with people running to catch their own destination. The city is on a rush to get nowhere yet seems in hurry. People walk with varying speeds- fast travelers are those who needs to catch their destination, window shoppers roam the street with slower pace and slowest are those who has nowhere to go. And like the roads, drains too are bunged with wastes and the city is no more clean with words of 'KEEP BHUTAN CLEAN AND GREEN' everywhere. Like any other city, Thimphu city is no more a place of peace and solitude. The silence of the city once had, has be

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Yak Herding in Upper Haa

General Information 1. General Information of the Respondents From the total of 12 villages covered from 3 gewogs, 62.5% of the respondents were male and female respondents which constitute 37.5% of the 40 respondents (Table 1). The highest number of respondents were from Bjee gewog with 23 respondents. Respondents of Katsho Gewog consists of 27.5% (n=11).  Table 1: Respondents from each Gewog with their gender Gender                 Bjee Katsho Esu         Total   Male                  35% 20%       7.50% 62.50%   Female                  22.50% 7.50%    7.50% 37.50% 2. Yak Rearing and its Trend in Haa Yak rearing is main income source for the people living in the highlands. The yak population in Bjee and katsho Gewogs increased to 3,227 and 1,093 in 2013 respectively. However there was slight decline (from 575 to 501) in the yak population in Esu Gewog from 2010 to 2013 (Department of Livestock, 2014).  Total hh depending on yak was 13.33% and 1

Memorable Tour to JKSNR vicinity

Day 1: Head office to Tshabjona Our day started from the office to the kajena village from four legged full option high land transporters leads the way with loads of ration on their fragile back. The great words of Shakespeare, “But be not afraid of greatness; same are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them” proved true upon travelling with the great learned staffs of JKSNR. Each has their focus on a certain areas and all specialized in a particular area. Learning the names of birds that were on the way and identifying the plants that stands on the path was joyful. As expected, the pristine nature of the highlands and alpine meadows stands pristine with sacred mountains in the distant. The freezing nights could be a nightmare for the travellers through these areas. The felling for a cold and freezing night in an open tent could be awful experience that no one could get to enjoy. Yet, dry winter months provided

RAPE: Are We Not Going to Change With the Changing World?

"The National Assembly (NA), the highest legislative body in the country, didn’t feel it necessary to amend the provisions of the penal code related to consensual sex.  But law practitioners and those implementing it feel otherwise." reads the kuensel issue dated Nov 21 2014 states. if its the case, it can be deemed that our politicians  are over ruling the decesion and need of those who implement the laws and acts.  As per the Penal Code of Bhutan 2004, part two, chapter 14,  it defines RAPE as; ... if the defendant has sexual intercourse with another person:  Without the person’s consent or with consent, when consent is obtained by putting the person or a third person in fear of death or of grievous hurt; Compels the other person to submit to sexual intercourse by force, or by threat of imminent death, bodily injury or serious bodily injury or the commission of a felony to that person or a third person;  Substantially impairs the other persons ability to a


ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!! KUENSEL issue dated NOV 20, 2014 "According to the verdict, the girl and the accused were meeting over the phone for two years but met in person in July this year. The girl told the accused, his parents and even gewog officials that she was born in 1996 and was already 18 years. On investigation, it was found that the girl was only 16 years old. The verdict stated that they couldn’t consider or minimise the sentence, even if it was consensual sex, as the law clearly says that a defendant shall be guilty of the offense of rape of a child above the age of 12 years, if the defendant commits any act of sexual intercourse with a child between the ages of 12 and 18. The man was charged for rape of a minor, in contravention of section 184 of the Penal Code of Bhutan, and was given nine years imprisonment." The man in the above lines was sent to nine years imprisonment as per the law. now the question arises; can it be really called a RAPE? if not where


Tribute to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuk, and prayer for his LONG and PROSPEROUS life. May Your majesty live long and people of dragon kingdom enjoy everlasting happiness under the leadership of the monarchs. LONG LIVE OUR KING