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Life;Mistaken Path and a Love

Thinking of people in state of delirium, it seems that they will always be happy in place where they are not. Perhaps I too will be happier elsewhere. Suddenly I think of Samuel backett who wrote “For me there have been always two fools. One asking nothing better than to stay where he is and other imagining that life might be slightly less horrible a little further on.” For this I became a fool and wanted to carry on with my thoughts about life, about solutions, about religion, about faraway places. But I drift back to woman who is waiting for me and for whom I doesn’t have right to say am good enough. In life, people blunder their relation to blacklist people. The greatest rose of the day before a sunset loses its charm on the next sun rise, and woes it as a thorny bush. Many blame their past love for having spoiled their mood of future. But I was never even privileged to do even the dark crosswise of love because I never had one, I must say. One may blame the fate and the
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Electric fencing

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Random Views From Lay Man

For the quest of peace and thirst of happiness, I became a wanderer in the core of thoughts. While wondering thoughts afloat me through the unanswered questions, I always sat back and reflected, but in agony. The typical question that tickles me is the thought on the normative visions of the universe. As more doctors crowds the hospitals, so is the increasing number of patients and the number of vehicles increases faster than the growth rate of the city whose corners are filled with people. While we agree to the visions that we created long before, to conserve our pristine environment, we are on the race to destroy it with empathy. The destruction of our environment are beautifully plated with the gold of economic development, neglecting many unlit homes in the far flung villages of the country. On the race to gain from the so called white gold, we are heading towards a never ending public debt. However, these are the few question on the screen with many still being edited by the few.

Civil Service in Bhutan

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My Random Thoughts

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Affect of modernization and globalization?

Happiness is a desire of every human being and it's the ultimate goal of every living being.  While people may be suffering from a disease of lack of happiness in their organs of social system, Bhutan is not far from happiness. May be one can consider gross national happiness as a utopian idea but happiness does exists in our country and in nerves of every one. We had strong social bond and families were extended with size of almost five families of modern world. That created a sentiment to shoring up each other at all times and taking care of others while they are not very well. Am neither a social scientist nor an enlightened being who can unfold all the knots of social complications and philosophies that of community vitality. I venture to submit the facts that we are undergoing in the era of globalization. I live in a traditional house casting our unique Bhutanese architectural design in the heart of a harmonious village. Its stunning landscape and natural splendor lull me p

why people are concerned about town expansion and development?

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