In the high altitudes of Haa, majority of nomadic inhabitants depend on rearing yaks (Poephagus grunniens or Bos grunniens) for their livelihood. Located at an elevation ranging from 1,000 to 5,600 meters above sea level, around 25% (Torsa Strict Nature Reserve, 2011) of the people depends on yak and its products for their livelihood. Yak is the prime source of their livelihood and is also used as a beast of burden. However, with modernization seeping in, yak herders say that the tradition may vanish in a few decades. ( Dahal, 2008) Yak is a multi-purpose animal, providing its owners with milk (and the resultant milk products), meat, hair and wool, hide, work as a draught animal (packing, riding, ploughing) and feces – important as fuel in the absence of trees, but also as manure and as a building material. The yak is integrally associated with the culture, religion and social life of its herders, their families and communities. However, with outside pressures influencing th...
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