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Showing posts from May, 2015

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Yak Herding in Upper Haa

General Information 1. General Information of the Respondents From the total of 12 villages covered from 3 gewogs, 62.5% of the respondents were male and female respondents which constitute 37.5% of the 40 respondents (Table 1). The highest number of respondents were from Bjee gewog with 23 respondents. Respondents of Katsho Gewog consists of 27.5% (n=11).  Table 1: Respondents from each Gewog with their gender Gender                 Bjee Katsho Esu         Total   Male                  35% 20%       7.50% 62.50%   Female                  22.50% 7.50%    7.50% 37.50% 2. Yak Rearing and its Trend in Haa Yak rearing is main income source for the people living in the highlands. The yak population in Bjee and katsho Gewogs increased to 3,227 and 1,093 in 2013 respectively. However there was slight decline (from 575 to 501) in the yak population in Esu Gewog from 2010 to 2013 (Department of Livestock, 2014).  Total hh depending on yak was 13.33% and 1