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Move for Health on Move

Ever since the present government took over as the ruling party, one of its primary focus was on the development of health trust fund through initiation of move for health- a walk aimed at generating public awareness about the lifestyle related diseases and generate fund for procuring basic medical facilities
On 11 October 2014, nationwide move for health was organized and I joined as a participant in Metsina to Kuruthang walk. It was almost 8 km walk headed by Dasho Dzongda of Punakha Dzongkhag, dzongrab, health officals, civil servants and local residents of punakha locality. 

About BHTF


Taking into account the well-being of the people in general and women and children in particular and above all, the sustainability of Primary Health Care led to the initiation of the Bhutan Health Trust Fund (Trust Fund) sometime during 1997. It was formally launched on 12 May 1998 at the WHO Headquarters in Geneva.
- To help sustain Primary Health Care through continued and uninterrupted supply of essential drugs and vaccines, needles, syringes, cold chain equipment and other related drugs/equipment
- To help eliminate financing uncertainties for priority core components of the Primary Health Care Services out of the income generated from the investment of the Fund
- To help achieve self-reliance in the Primary Health Care Sector
The Fund envisages an investment to generate sufficient returns to meet all annual expenditure on essential drugs and vaccines and help eliminate financing uncertainties for purchase of these crucial components and other related drugs/equipment.
Capitalization of the Fund is done through contributions from donor countries, organizations of private and public status, financial institutions and individuals. It is based on the principle of one-to-one partnership. Any donor contribution to the Fund is matched by the Royal Government of on a one-to-one basis. This principle amply demonstrates the firm commitment of the Royal Government for the development and success of the Fund to sustain Primary Health Care.
The initial target of the Fund is to mobilize US$ 24.00 million.
VISION - attain sustainability in the Primary Health Care delivery system.
MISSION -   To help provide basic health care services to the people 

As emphasized by the Health officials and enshrined in the mission of Bhutan Health Trust Fund, the walk was mainly organized in order to generate enough income for procuring medical facilities for prevention of cervical cancer in female.  Cervical cancer is a cancer arising from the cervix mainly caused by Human Papilloma virus. It was also aimed at reducing life style related diseases such as obesity, Hyper and Hypo blood pressure, Diabetes and othe non-communicable diseases. NCDs (inclusive of injuries) account for 62% of the total disease burden while 38% is due to Communicable Diseases, Maternal and Child health, and Nutrition all combined. with ever increasing population growth, the prevalence of NCDs are also expected increase exponentially.

The contributions from the various gewogs, offices and other interested business people were submitted to Dasho Dzongda.
The walk ended in the middle of Khuruthang at 11:10 am, exactly after 1 hour 50 minutes of walk.


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