"The National Assembly (NA), the highest legislative body in the country, didn’t feel it necessary to amend the provisions of the penal code related to consensual sex. But law practitioners and those implementing it feel otherwise." reads the kuensel issue dated Nov 21 2014 states. if its the case, it can be deemed that our politicians are over ruling the decesion and need of those who implement the laws and acts. As per the Penal Code of Bhutan 2004, part two, chapter 14, it defines RAPE as; ... if the defendant has sexual intercourse with another person: Without the person’s consent or with consent, when consent is obtained by putting the person or a third person in fear of death or of grievous hurt; Compels the other person to submit to sexual intercourse by force, or by threat of imminent death, bodily injury or serious bodily injury or the commission of a felony to that person or a third person; Substantially impairs t...
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